Employer Resources

Suboptimal health is costing US employers billions annually.

Although less than 2% of the general population utilizes specialty medications, they account for up to 45% of the total drug spend.

Of growing concern are numerous new and pricey prescription drugs and specialty pharmaceutical products often cited as a key culprit behind rising healthcare costs. Given their substantial financial investment into employee health, employers are justified in asking whether healthcare expenditures contribute to improved employee health, productivity, and the bottom line.

Increased focus is being placed on delivering “value-based care” as healthcare reform evolves rapidly. New value-based healthcare models aim to provide improved patient care and enhanced health outcomes while reducing healthcare costs and complications.

Impact more than just your bottom line.

ASCEND bietet innovative, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die einen Mehrwert bieten. Wir wissen, dass die Gesundheitssysteme für die Bereitstellung positiver Patientenerfahrungen und Ergebnisse verantwortlich gemacht werden. ASCEND kann als ein wertvoller Partner bei der Sicherstellung von Kosteneinsparungen, verbesserter Qualität und einer positiven Patientenerfahrung bei gleichzeitiger ergebnisorientierter Patientenversorgung gezählt werden.

We offer a complimentary review of claims-level data to identify opportunities for savings at any time of the year.

Get a second check if you’re receiving the lowest price and the highest quality of care for your specialty medications.

We deliver positive patient experiences and outcomes.

ASCEND offers a competitive value story for your organization.

  • Pharmacy and medical benefit alignment bridging financial & care-based decisions

  • Compassionate care coordinators provide advocacy & streamline patient access

  • Clinical experts educate, support, & engage patients & their community

  • Ongoing monitoring, outreach, & communication with patients & providers

  • National nursing presence with flexible scheduling & consistent staffing

  • Coordination of all ancillary supplies & equipment

  • Patientenengagement beginnt mit positivem Pflegecoaching

As your partner, we help you understand current cost drivers and future trends.

Achieve cost savings with Ascend.

“Value in healthcare must include an assessment of outcomes achieved and the correlating impact on employee health in conjunction with the costs incurred.”

— AscendPBM CEO

Contact us.

Email: helpdesk@ASCENDpbm.com
Call: 833.200.5040

Text: 269-399-5599

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